Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Judge All You Want

Don't judge a book by its cover. Never has more false advice been given. Ebook readers absolutely judge a book by its cover. If you have a dumb, cheap or just plain ugly looking cover, you won't sell. It's a proven fact.

For most authors, seeing your name on the cover of a book that you conceived, you created, you wrote, you slaved over, you edited, you cursed at, you loved, you hated, and finally you sent into the world to entertain the masses is what its all about. That's the moment when you realize that "holy crap, I'm doing it!" And for me, that moment is now. Here is the cover for my first book, which will be out in May of this year. Ladies and gentleman, I give you RICK FROST & THE ALASKAN ADVENTURE:

If you like the cover and want your ebook to look just as good, please contact the guy who does magic, I'm serious. He is amazing. His name is Matt Elliott. His email address is mattelliott1@gmail.com

Matt is a joy to work with and as you can see, is incredibly talented. Highly recommend him to anyone.

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